Articles on 3Rs topics
FAQs, frequently asked, questions and answersWhat do the 3Rs stand for? What is Replacement, Reduction, Refinement? What does the ordinance on the welfare of laboratory animals say and who were Russell & Burch? Frequently asked questions are answered here.
replacement, skin modelling, in vitro, cellsThe 3D cell model is produced from human Keratinocytes and used for studying the skin-damaging effect of substances.
Lactate dehydrogenase test
lactate dehydrogenase, cell viability, in vitroThe article presents a test to determine the toxicity of a substance, allowing cell viability to be targeted by measuring the LDHs released in the medium.
Neurotoxicity test
alternative method, chemicals, developmental neurotoxicityt, brain developmentThe video shows how effects of chemicals on the development of nervous systems can be studied. This test is tried in grasshopper embryos, does not require any reagents of animal origin and hence does not involve the use of laboratory animals.
DetailsLAS interactive
online learning, refinement, animal experiments, trainingLAS interactive includes the free platform vtk online and the training portal las campus. vtk online is an information platform for laboratory animal science; las campus offers online training and exams in laboratory animal science.
Details3Rs from the ethical perspective
ethic, philosophy, animal ethicsProf. Kunzmann gives a brief insight into the ethical discussions around the subject of animal experiments and 3Rs methods. * by clicking the play button you consent to your data being communicated to the video provider
Details* by clicking on the play button, you agree that your data will be transmitted to the video provider

Printed organs for infection studies
bioprinting, organ models, infection researchWith the aid of bioprinting, humanized organ models can be generated which serve as an alternative to animal experiments in infection and cancer research.
NTP, in layman’s terms, project summary, guidelineThe Non-Technical Project (NTP) summary is a document that is written in layman’s terms and has to be enclosed with every application for approval of an animal study.
Berlin seminar series 1/3
recording, animal welfare law, refinement, replacement, 3R, alternative methodsThe Berlin seminar series includes a range of recordings around the topics of the 3Rs, animal welfare law, and alternative methods.